Economics: Part 1: How Tax Incentives Create Inequality & Part 2: How to Use Tax Incentives to Devour Inequality and Create a Universal Income Dividiend

Tax incentives are an external diseconomy. If you are unfamiliar with that terminology, allow me to offer a visual aid: Pollution coming out of a smoke stack is an external diseconomy.   Tax incentives enhance a business’ after tax earnings, but the tax incentives are a cost borne by the community. Question: How do you know when the external diseconomy has been …

The Solar Powered Machine that Devoured Inequality and Funded Universal Dividend Income

If we are going to produce a universal dividend income, we need to source it from a limitless resource. Fortunately, we don’t have to invent the sun. The rest is comparatively easy. Beta test of the universal dividend income prototype: 1. Monetize the clean energy tax credit. 2. Buy shares in dividend paying publicly traded companies. 3. Convey the shares to working families. A tax …