Paying for the Universal Dividend: Reinventing Capitalism as a Community of Equity Stakeholders

Monetizing a limitless resource requires the evolution of capitalism. Making everyone an equity stakeholder evokes a new vision of society. A new vision of what it means to be a participant in the capitalist system. Reinvention? Anyone can participate by buying shares of Apple or Disney or Google. Capitalism is about allocating scarce resources. How do we manage a limitless resource? We …

SolarMethod as a Platform

SolarMethod will provide a platform for designing tax credits that are self-funding. And turning tax credits into societal income. Any technology, such as CO2 to ethanol, such as energy storage, can utilize the SolarMethod platform. Here’s a potential model for applying SolarMethod in less developed economies: The tax credit will be used to generate social benefits which lift the poor …


SolarMethod uses the investment tax credit associated with solar power systems to  generate supplemental income for working families. Creating an enhanced social benefit enables SolarMethod to enhance the tax benefits of investing in solar power generating systems, thus busting a move in terms of stimulating investment. Here’s the magical part. The faster we transition to clean energy, the faster we rebuild …

I’d Rather Own A Robot than Shares in a REIT

That’s understandable. The ongoing revenue stream created by monetizing the investment tax credit could be used to purchase shares in a REIT. Shares in a REIT produce an ongoing revenue stream. Those funds could be used to create an ongoing revenue stream from other forms of investment. Artificial intelligence may put people out of a job. What if you put machine learning …

If We Do This Right, The Sun’s Energy Will Become an Income Stream for Everyone

If people live in a capitalist system,  shouldn’t they expect to be participants? For people to participate, they must become equity stakeholders. The sun is a limitless resource which can become an equity based income source for every one of us. Plants use photosynthesis to turn the sun’s energy into equity. People can accrue ownership of an equity based income producing …

Think of the Sun As a Capital Asset (I’m not an overly romantic person)

The energy from the sun is not like land.  They are making more of it. Millions of tons of hydrogen are being converted to helium.  Every millisecond. The equipment necessary to convert solar energy to electricity is a traditional capital asset. Paid for by the power user. Because we have to transition to a sustainable source of energy, incentives have been created …

A Tax Credit that Generates Net Positive Tax Revenue

If we can design self-funding tax credits, then we can achieve any societal goal. Here’s one way … We install a solar power system, monetize the investment tax credit and use those funds to acquire newly issued shares in an equity REIT. Equity REIT debt ratio = 33.4%. Two models of money creation as a function of borrowing: One model is …

SolarMethod Creates a Capital Base for Each of Us

How do we do turn the sun’s energy into equity based income? We make the sun’s energy into equity by using the investment tax credit to acquire shares which are conveyed to working families. The result of using solar energy to make people into equity stakeholders, is a self-funding tax credit. We will see a future in which solar energy is transformed …