Infinite Resource Meets Rational Pricing Mechanism

Free market is about the efficient allocation of resources. What do we do when we have the input of limitless resource? That’s what SolarMethod is for. SolarMethod is building an input/output loop which will enable the realization of the dreams steeped in our imaginations. SolarMethod is the transformation of free market economics

Creating a Business that Produces the Evolution of Capitalism and an Above Average ROI

Building a factory is building a machine that builds the machine. Attribution: Elon Musk SolarMethod designs a methodology integrating tax policy and business activity into a platform for resource allocation that maximizes economic growth. SolarMethod is about creating the methodolgy to produce the future we imagine, but fear could never be a reality. A methodology which functionalizes business activity and remakes the economics …

Imagine: Billions in Existing Tax Credits Creating Universal Dividend Income

We can use the solar tax credit as a starting point for the creation of universal dividend income. Just as the visionary solar tax credit drove solar adoption, a decline in costs and accelerated solar adoption; we can use our imagination to achieve other social objectives. Tax credits designed to generate net positive tax revenue can generate universal dividend income. The …

Artificial PhotoSynthesis! Is there a tax credit accelerating this tech?

Artificial Photosynthesis produces fuel from sunlight and carbon dioxide. Truly tapping the wisdom of plants. Can we design a self-funding tax credit that brings this tech to scale? Well, we can give it try … Tax credit w = x% of funds invested. Fuel is sold for y. Funds donated = z. There is marginal propensity to consume of funds …

The Sun Belongs to Everyone

Excuse me for stating the obvious. The Sun Belongs to Everyone. What’s not obvious is this: We can turn it into an income for the owners. From limitless abundance, we have the opportunity, we have the means to create the lives we envision for ourselves.

How A Universal Dividend Income Would Help Us Arrive at the Future to which We Aspire

The overly complicated title is the beginning of the overly complicated conceptual structure to be described. As the work week is decreased to make enough work for everyone, the universal dividend income will supplement incomes. Well, I guess that wasn’t overly complicated. Let me say that again, backwards. Because it will make more sense upside down and backwards. To create …

Here’s How to Create a Universal Dividend Income

Create value.  Produce value. Universally. Sun = Life. How do we turn the energy from the sun into an income? Tax credit for solar production. Tax credit needs to create a social benefit. Have the ITC. Use it for now. Need to design a credit specific for turning solar into an income for everyone. Tax credit needs to be self-funding …